Monday, March 13, 2006

Talk About Oneself

Eek! I’ve been tagged by Wiz Knitter. For heck’s sake, Wiz Knitter, would I have started a blog if I wanted to talk about myself?

Four jobs in your life:
1. Freelance writer/researcher – someday I’ll do it full time.
2. Legal word processor/graphics operator (It’s the Best Day Job in the World! Please don’t fire me!)
3. Library assistant (College)
4. Retail clerk (High school. Isn’t everyone?)

Four movies you could watch over and over:
1. Fantasia, the ideal sedative. Have you ever noticed that at least one character falls asleep in almost every segment?
2. The Commitments.
3. Anything by Monty Python.
4. The Thin Man. Why am I not Myrna Loy?

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Mystery!
2. Rick Steves’ Europe.
3. The Daily Show
4. The Muppet Show, and if they would COME OUT WITH ANOTHER VOLUME ALREADY it would be higher up the list.

Four places you have lived:
1. New York, NY
2. Alexandria, VA
3. Lakewood, CA
4. Mechanicsburg, PA (OK, I was really too young to remember that one)

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Disney World (Mike and I got married there, which is really all you need to know about us)
2. Paris, France (Why yes, we went to Euro Disney while we were there; why do you ask?)
3. Montreal, Canada
4. Ely, Minnesota

Four websites you visit daily:
1. Cute Overload
2. Go Fug Yourself
3. The Daily Kitten
4. Firedoglake

Four of your favorite foods:
1. Dark chocolate
2. Red wine
3. Brie cheese
4. Potatoes in any form (Irish on my father’s side and Polish on my mother’s – you can’t escape potatoes)

Four places you'd rather be right now:
1. Disney World (Anyone perceive a trend? Me neither.)
2. My extremely well-worn easy chair.
3. A cabin in the woods.
4. Bed.

Four favorite types of yarn:
1. South West Trading Company Phoenix Soy Silk
2. Crystal Palace Fizz
3. Debbie Bliss Cashmerino
4. Self-patterning sock yarn. How do they get it to do that?

Four bloggers I'm tagging:
1. Knancy at Sockaholic


I don’t actually know any other bloggers who knit and have not yet been tagged. So take it away, Knancy!


Blogger Operakatz said...

You booger LOL

5:43 AM  

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